Thursday, May 17, 2012


I remember the days where we would meet and after golfing, we would sit down on the grass and just talk. I wouldn't hesitate to tell you anything, and you would do the same for me. We'd sit and talk for hours, until the sky grew dark or when our coach came calling for us. We used to speak about the days of yore, and spend hours laughing over the silliest things. 

I remember how we used to sneak out of our houses late at night and we'd go to the clubhouse and lie down on the tennis court floor and we talked until the wee hours of the morning. I remember how we tried to stargaze but there were no stars and we ended making up our own stars. I had to go to school the next day with really deep eye bags, but it was worth it. I remember once, we sneaked into the swimming pool and lay down on the deckchairs and we started talking about our future. I told you how I wanted to be a lawyer, and how I couldn't imagine being something else. I told you how insecure I was about the future. The world seemed so bleak, with only occasional flashes of color. You sat up and looked at me and you told me it'd be alright, 'cause you'd be by my side, forever and always. I remember how I walked home after that, sat down and cried. 

It's been two and a half years, and you never went back on your promise. 


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