Saturday, May 19, 2012


Today has been okay, I guess.
Participated in a drum competition and it was fun! They're announcing the results next week.

Outfit of the day. 
Top: Supre; Leggings: Black Milk; Boots: Forever 21

Oh, and I got a MacBook Pro too!

When I got home, I started listening to INFINITE and watching their videos and I must say, The Chaser is really good! Oh, and JB and JR from Dream High 2 debuted recently in a duo called the JJ Project from JYP Entertainment. They're okay, I guess. Sigh, I remember how obsessed I was with Dream High 2 back then. 

Then, I checked my phone and I got a shock of my life. I actually received like 78 notifications from Instagram! There was literally like a deluge of likes and comments and I was so surprised cause they even liked my photos that were posted way back then.
Plus, Black Milk Clothing followed me! HEHE I'M SO HAPPY.


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