Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It's been a busy few days. 
On Sunday, I woke up and as usual, went onto the Black Milk Facebook page.
I was just scrolling through, while listening to some random ass song I don't even like, (Lol I have no idea how it ended up in my iTunes playlist), when I saw my freaking photo being posted by Black Milk on their page! Just to clarify, having your photo posted by 'em on their page is like a huge deal. Only a select few get chosen, out of thousands of photos, and it has to be a photo they really like, or if it's relevant to whatever posts they're gonna make.

When I saw my photo on their page, I literally started choking and just stared at my Mac in shock for like 5 minutes. Then I snapped out of it and started hyperventilating. Hahaha...

Haha, anyway, that post made my day. :)

 I'm so weird, well, whatever. I love Black Milk, okay! And I never thought my photo would be picked. I will be receiving my Aurora Skye leggings and Black Ribs swimsuit soon. Thinking of ordering the Cathedral dress and Starry Night leggings next week, as soon as I've got the money.
I have a serious Black Milk addiction... fuck.

Anyway, I just got back from tennis training. Had to walk in the dark all the way to the tennis courts because no one was at home, plus there were no cars at home too, so I couldn't exactly sneak drive one out. On the bright side, tennis training was fun. Can't wait for my match! I actually think all the hard core training our coach is making us do is helping me to keep fit and lose weight. But Sam baked her famous chocolate chip cookies... and she's bringing 500g for me tomorrow, so all my "get fit" plans will get thrown out of the window. Hey, I can't help it, it's chocolate chip, okay!

I shall get back to watching Community now. Love that show!


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