Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Random picture of the day!

Today started out fine, I received this email.


They actually sent me a much longer email than that, just that I can't be bothered to print screen everything. That email actually made my day. Can't believe I'm getting my Black Milk purple galaxy leggings! 


I'm gonna wait for Black Milk to restock this, then I'll get this too.

Cross of St Peter black leggings!
Haha yes, I don't know why I like everything with the cross printed on it. I have several cross rings, cross necklaces, cross tops, cross earrings, studded cross shorts, cross bags and the list goes on. This isn't actually the actual crucifix, it's the inverted one, the one that the apostle Peter was crucified on. Biblical history is actually quite fascinating. 

I find it hilarious how after I rant about Black Milk and get obsessed over them, some of my friends start getting obsessed as well. Lol, okay, whatever. And even some people who I have no idea who they are, send me messages saying "Thanks for introducing me to Black Milk!" Shit. I think I just extended the family. 
Btw, everybody is currently raving over The Hunger Games. I liked it all the way back in 2010, before it became so bloody mainstream. Not that I'm objecting its fame or whatever, I'm just stating a fact.

Listening to Seungri's What Can I Do, and can I just say that he looks super hot in the music video. L from INFINITE is still my ultimate bias, though. That boy can melt even the coldest hearts with his eyes, goddammit. Oh, and the last episode of Dream High 2 airs tonight! I'm still kinda miffed that the ultimate couple won't be together though, and I was so certain! Normally, in Korean dramas, I never get the coupling scheme wrong, because it's always so bloody obvious. The lead guy always gets the lead girl. But in this show, noooo, apparently they have to make it the bloody opposite. 

Okay, ciao.


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